Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers out there and here in Second Life. To celebrate, I'd like to bring in a special model who is near and dear to my heart: my own father Medavac. Thank you Dad for all you have done for me through out the years and for everything you continue to do for me daily. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. I don't know how you manage to be there like a friend and a father at the same time, but it's greatly appreciated.
To keep with the Father's Day fun, Dad and I decided to do a blog post together on this mesh outfit from
DECO by Orchid Zenovka which sells for L$750 on both the Marketplace and in world. The outfit on its own consists of combat boots, cargo pants, and a t-shirt. The TecVest is also from DECO and sells for L$250 on the Marketplace and in world.
Now, and this is Dad reminding me to add this for him, some veterans in Second Life can sometimes be offended by non-military members wearing military regalia. Dad is one of them because he was a medic with the Navy SEALs. This outfit happens to be near and dear to us in the family as it is similar to an outfit that he wore on a regular basis in the service.
While I normally try to keep all parts of an outfit from the same creator, this was one that needed a few extras as follows:
Main outfit: DECO,
Mesh Jump Suit (Gravel) for L$750
Vest: DECO,
Mesh TACvest (Black) for L$250
Hat: Real Arms,
RA SEAL NAVY Baseball Hat for L$99
Sunglasses: Collection Damani,
Damani Aviator-2 Changable Glasses for L$0
Tattoos, Gloves: LoveCats, tattoos/gloves from Gunshy for L$500 (full outfit to be blogged soon)
Dog: Zooby,
Ultimate German Shepherd Boxed for L$2800 on the Marketplace or L$2700 in world.

Dad loves this outfit, it's absolutely great. We love the look and detail, the vest, pants, boots are very well done for mesh. It is one of the few that we can give a very good rating for men as far as mesh. The mesh includes the normal creases and folds that occur to everyday clothing use, and the texture even includes small splashes of mud on the right thigh. Only one thing is needed: Dad says it really needs a resize script in the belt. I also noticed that it seems to need a little more butt in the pants, a common critique on the marketplace. It would also be nice to have a bit more of an adjustment to the mesh, especially in the shoulders of the t-shirt, maybe cut it a little closer to the avatar.

The vest is spot-on and even has the option to purchase addons of different military emblems. If he wanted to, there were various places on the Marketplace as well where he could have purchased military emblems for the outfit. One such place, an
unnamed store by RyanIJ Writer, has many military and police emblems available, including a pack of
20 Military Rank Insignias for L$1,000. The hat as well is perfect; it fits perfectly without trying (we went without primmed hair to make it fit better and be more realistic). The sculpt map on it renders easily and accurately, and the texture is perfect. Even the emblem is exact to the detail.
Overall: 9.5/10
Pros: Almost perfect in every way
Cons: The mesh of the buttock in the jumpsuit is very small and is hard to fit, the mesh of the shoulders could be brought a little closer to the avatar.
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