So the team and I are sitting around, sipping some sweet tea here in the smoldering East Coast (87 degrees Fahrenheit at 12:30 at night in our house!), when Santa's Little Helper made a special delivery to my avatar in SL. A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a curious item on the Marketplace. I loved it but held off on getting it, as at the time I was doing a lot of modeling at a store where we were not allowed to wear mesh items. I still loved the item, wanted to get it regardless, so I saved it. I showed it to Mom and she loved it as well, but because she was modeling with me at the same time, she held off on getting them.
The item in question? What made me start up the big hot computer when we're already sweltering in this heat (and because Mom was using hers to edit tomorrow's special post - we can't wait to show you!!!)?
This... by far the
best eye in Second Life at this time. It is a completely customizable mesh eye that is mod/copy that comes with a very low-lag hud, which when minimized ran for me at 64 kb, with each eye also running 64 kb. In comparison to a standard AO running at 880 kb or more, this will not cause you lag at all. The HUD itself is no mod/copy/no trans, but you really don't need to edit the HUD at all. We flipped when we first found them on the Marketplace, which will only set you back for L$350, and I was absolutely ecstatic when the creator messaged me and gave me a pair for review here on the blog.

Anara Aeon, creator of the Customeyes, also has a
free demo available on the marketplace in case you decide you want to try them first. Ms. Aeon has also made a variety of other phenomenal things over the years. Mom has been a fan of the winter skybox during this heatwave; I think she has her avatar sitting in it right now in a bikini while she's helping edit photos. We've been following Ms. Aeon for awhile now. In addition to these eyes, she makes textured eyes (which are just as beautiful), hair (which I haven't tried yet), a few skyboxes which have been featured items in the past on the Marketplace, and has made one of the most detailed snowflake texture packs in SL that we've seen.
If you want eyes that you can change on the fly to match any outfit, setting, or mood, these are the eyes you want. You will want to wear the included alpha layer to prevent a texture flicker with your own system eye though. And if you are generally hesitant of mesh but are still able to see it: try the free demo as soon as you can!
Now, a few last words and back to my steamy romance novel...
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Best eye in SL
Cons: Mesh if you're a mesh-o-phobe
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