Warnings: Contains a bit of police corruption and brutality and may walk on the side of being slightly NSFW. Also a stripper pole or two. You have been warned...
Date: 580689.15
Location: Hyper Advanced Fighter Station Gamma Gamma
In a near to distant future, science has taken control of the human race, much in the way humans were drawn to the church in middle ages. Gone are the days of the Christian Ten Commandments, instead, new societal norms are defined by a set of mathematical logarithms, set to define what is good for the human race. While people still have their own sets of emotional responses to events, laws and most decisions are based upon these logarithms so as to prevent conflict within the relatively unstable society.
Technology has flourished in such an environment, stopped now by little except the occasional lack of funding. While some emotionally-based laws still exist, as do emotionally-based societal taboos, there has been a resurgence of old emotionally-based social practices, including a new resurgence of pleasure-based religions. Technology has wiped out birth defects, as all humans are now genetically engineered to prevent many diseases. Chemical compounds have been developed to defeat addictions. While the scientific utopia has flourished, a small sect of people have looked to the past, missing the ways of a life and society based in emotions. The more technology advances, the more humanity retaliates with its most primal instincts...
Police Commander's Log. We have received reports of illicit sex trading in the outer zone cities' underground brothels. This comes after Public Health's reports of increases in communicative diseases from similar sectors. Teams sent in to investigate have come up with little or no evidence of any sex trade or other illegal activities. Higher police forces have now been sent in to investigate.

"Commander Wynter, do you read?" Dispatch asked, interrupting the solitude of the still of space.
"I read, go ahead Dispatch."
"We have new reports coming in from the emerging Red Light district. Looks like there's an emerging Pleasure Lounge called "The Reno," run by one Shizuko Askvig."
"She the head of their operations?" Alayna asked as she pulled up the case file on her computer.
"Affirmative. Looks like she has ties to the lounges in other cities as well. Forwarding you the information." Dispatch said as a wave of images and files filtered its way onto Alayna's computer.
Alayna, now long-forgetting the hum of the solitude of the fighter's cockpit, looked over the data. Shizuko's face appearing in multiple pictures gathered by Central Intel over the last few months. "Dispatch, any chance that Shizuko is a clone?"
There was a pause on the other end. "That's a negative," Dispatch said. "Genetic scanning has concluded that this one is a Unique.
Alayna looked at her display. "Dispatch," she said, "Tell the captain, We nail this one then we've got our girl."
Date: 580689.39
Location: The Reno Pleasure Lounge, Arcadia Alpha City

"Sam you're late," she said to her bartender. "You've got the manager spot tonight and the bar, I'll take the poles and any extras we may need," she said, tossing a towel to the young woman at the bar.
"Of course Shiz," Sam said.
Shizuko started up the music for the night, her DJ being one of the latest to become ill. "Sam, we're going with the classics. We don't have the girls to cover anything more than the basics unless something changes soon."
Sam nodded from the bar and went back to her work. Shizuko turned on the lights for the poles and started a few of the pleasure rooms up just in case there was a minor influx of patrons. It was going to be a long night. Though there were a few patrons in the bar, many were scared away by the contagion. She had considered getting a few more clones of her girls, but that cost money that they were losing daily. As she took to her pole, a woman entered wearing a full space suit and sat at the bar. Shizuko continued dancing but watched, she knew that something was not right. She tried to catch Sam's attention, find a way to vet the stranger, but Sam was too busy taking stock of the liquors to notice. While it was common for many of her patron to wear the suits, later taking them off to imbibe in food, drink, and pleasures, there was something not right about this woman.
Alayna sat down on the bar stool, watching the bartender take stock of the bar and a single dancer on the pole. She pressed a button on her glove, pulling up the pictures from the case on the display in her helmet, the computer locking on to the facial recognition software, confirming the dancer on the pole to be Shizuko. Alayna's heart started to race faster, it had been far too long since she had the chance to close in on her captor, and instead she leaned back onto the bar, licking her full lips a little. She kept watching, each moment making her think more and more about her early days on the beat, and her girlfriend she had back then. Things were a lot simpler then - there were no government mandates on partnering or non-work activities back then. Many a Sunday were spent with the two young women, both fresh on the force, in bed working their weekly frustrations out. Her name was Shenna Vanlaere. Alayna never knew what happened to her, just that one Sunday she woke up and Shenna was gone, her belongings and personal effects all still in the small apartment they shared. She knew that Shenna had been into some deeper investigations at work, but was never a privy to the information about it.
"What can I get you?" Sam asked Alayna, disturbing her from her thoughts. She could feel the beat of the music pulsing through her suit.
"Nothing yet. I prefer to keep my helmet on," Alayna said to the bartender.
"We have imported gas cylinders if you'd like," Sam said, holding out a small capsule of specialized gasses meant to be added into air filters on space suits.
"Perhaps later, I'll be here awhile," Alayna said, hoping for the bartender to return to her work. Alayna pressed a few more buttons on her wrist and more of her files came to view on the inside of her visor. Something was off about Shizuko though and she wanted a closer look. When Alayna was comfortable that the bartender was back to her work of stocking shelves, she stepped closer to the dancer and sat down. Why didn't she act now? All her police training told her to, but something about Shizuko pulled her in more and more.

Shizuko saw Alayna make her way closer to her. While Shizuko was familiar with patrons wearing suits similar to the one Alayna wore, there was something about Alayna that made her ill at ease, almost as if there was a draw to her. She made a few more swings on the pole when their eyes locked. Shizuko instantly recognized Alayna for who she was and dropped off the pole. "Run Sam!" she shouted as she bolted from the lounge as fast as she could run.
Alayna saw the commotion and closed the files, running after Shizuko who had fled to the oxygen generators in an attempt to hide and flee. Thankfully Alayna had trained for things like this for a long time; the air the suit provided helped as well, and she quickly caught up to a breathless Shizuko.

"You broke the law, and because of it you spread disease and contamination, setting back medicine a good twenty years all by yourself."
Shizuko kept panting. "For what? For humans to become like the cyborgs?"
Alayna stopped for a moment, taking in the thought; there was no danger of the perpetrator running anymore. While a society free of disease often meant that there was little physical interaction, what cost was it at? It had been before the physical laws from 20 years ago were passed that she had last kissed anyone. She shook her head, it didn't matter now. "You broke the law, you spread disease and contamination," Alayna said as she pushed Shizuko to her knees, binding the cuffs and restraints to the slim woman's body.

"What to do with you," Alayna said as she circled the other woman. Alayna placed her hands on Shizuko's arms, feeling the muscles in them. Firm, strong, she could be of good use to her; it would be such a shame to toss this one to the prisoner auctions. Alayna caressed her hands over Shizuko's body further, stopping as she got near the woman's chest. "Natural?" she asked as she pressed into her captive's ribs, feeling for signs of surgical alteration. Shizuko whimpered a bit as she shook her head. "Quiet you," Alayna said as lightly slapped the captive, rubbing her own hands around Shizuko's body as she slowly kneeled in front of her.

Shizuko started laughing, grinning slowly through the ball gag.
Alayna stood up. "What's so funny? You think this is a game?"
Shizuko laughed some more and Alayna took out her stun gun, hitting the captive with the lowest setting. Alayna knelt over the woman, slipping off the gag. "I ask again, what's so funny Shizuko?" Alayna asked, taking the woman by her hair.

Shiz licked the excess drool from her lips, staring Alayna in the eye. "My name's not Shizuko Askvig," she said. "Come closer and I'll tell you."
Alayna looked at Shizuko. "What do you mean? Did you not commit these crimes?"
"Someone committed them, someone looking identical to me with my genetic imprint, but that person's name isn't Shizuko Askvig," she said, still grinning.
The change of name put a wrench in the case for Alayna. All record of the perpetrator and case tied the name Shizuko Askvig to this woman's body and businesses. An entire grand jury had found Shizuko and her empire guilty. If she was brought in, she'd walk free again. A pang of guilt hit Alayna; while she could not let the perpetrator go on a mere technicality, she also could not bring her in for proper justice. More so, the chemical lie detector in Alayna's suit showed that the woman who had been posing as Shizuko was telling the truth; she was indeed not Shizuko Askvig, even though she was the owner of the pleasure lounges that were in violation of the city health codes. "Who are you?" Alayna asked.
"Come closer and I'll tell you," Shizuko whipsered. Alayna knelt as close as she could to the woman's mouth. In what seemed like sheer silence, Alayna stood up, gasping, looking at the woman below her.
"Then what to do with you?" Alayna asked. "I can't let you go, but I can't take you in either." Alayna walked around the captive again, "But still, you have to come with me, you're under arrest." Alayna helped the captive up off the ground and then walked her to her ship.

Alayna looked at Shizuko. "What do you mean? Did you not commit these crimes?"
"Someone committed them, someone looking identical to me with my genetic imprint, but that person's name isn't Shizuko Askvig," she said, still grinning.
The change of name put a wrench in the case for Alayna. All record of the perpetrator and case tied the name Shizuko Askvig to this woman's body and businesses. An entire grand jury had found Shizuko and her empire guilty. If she was brought in, she'd walk free again. A pang of guilt hit Alayna; while she could not let the perpetrator go on a mere technicality, she also could not bring her in for proper justice. More so, the chemical lie detector in Alayna's suit showed that the woman who had been posing as Shizuko was telling the truth; she was indeed not Shizuko Askvig, even though she was the owner of the pleasure lounges that were in violation of the city health codes. "Who are you?" Alayna asked.
"Come closer and I'll tell you," Shizuko whipsered. Alayna knelt as close as she could to the woman's mouth. In what seemed like sheer silence, Alayna stood up, gasping, looking at the woman below her.
"Then what to do with you?" Alayna asked. "I can't let you go, but I can't take you in either." Alayna walked around the captive again, "But still, you have to come with me, you're under arrest." Alayna helped the captive up off the ground and then walked her to her ship.

Stardate: 580690.16
Location: Central Policia, Private Offices and Quarters of Police Commander Alayna Wynter
Alayna had brought Shizuko to her private office at the police headquarters. Floating far above the central city, the headquarters offered a chance for uninterrupted solitude for the men and women of the police force to work in privacy. It also offered the more corrupt officers a chance to deal in their own personal dealings without notice. Here, Alayna sat at her desk with Shizuko kneeling before her.

"What to do with you," Alayna said as she removed the woman's restraints, still firmly holding her in place. "If I let you go, someone else will arrest you, and we can pretend none of this had ever happened," Alayna pulled Shizuko's hair back so she could see her face better. "I could bring you in for arrest, but you'd go free and go back to your business, continuing to use your name as an advantage," Alayna said as she pulled Shizuko closer to her by the hair with one hand, removing the rest of the restraints with the other. "Either way, you'll be in a dangerous situation. So what to do with you?" Alayna asked, holding Shizuko's head bent back and looking eye to eye with her.
"You're mine," Alayna said, releasing Shizuko from her grasp and walking over to her central computer core. With the case solved, Alayna had to fabricate the red tape to keep Shizuko from being arrested again or being released. Shizuko, still feeling the pain from the stun gun to her abdomen, slowly limped her way over to the servers with Alayna. "I promise I'll be nice to you," Alayna said, making her way back to her desk.

For the first time, Shizuko felt fear, not knowing what to do. She had told Alayna her real name, but that had not been enough. Years on the force had made Alayna hard, placing a strong defense up against the rest of the city. "I promise I will not run Ms. Wynter," she bowed to Alayna.
Alayna looked down at the woman giving her life to her and felt a pang in her heart. She took off her helmet and saw the woman properly. "Come with me," Alayna said and led Shizuko across her office, pushing the captive to her knees again. "You cannot run," Alayna whispered into Shizuko's ear. "You cannot hide," she whispered into the other. "For I'll always know where you are now Shenna," Alayna whispered as she made around to the captive's front and kissed her deeply on the lips, rubbing the small of the captive's back, pulling her close to her own body. "I've missed you. Where have you been for so long?" Alayna asked.
Shenna, fully revealing herself from the character of Shizuko that she had created years earlier looked up, "I've always been in your heart," she said, "Mistress."
Location: Central Policia, Private Offices and Quarters of Police Commander Alayna Wynter
Alayna had brought Shizuko to her private office at the police headquarters. Floating far above the central city, the headquarters offered a chance for uninterrupted solitude for the men and women of the police force to work in privacy. It also offered the more corrupt officers a chance to deal in their own personal dealings without notice. Here, Alayna sat at her desk with Shizuko kneeling before her.

"What to do with you," Alayna said as she removed the woman's restraints, still firmly holding her in place. "If I let you go, someone else will arrest you, and we can pretend none of this had ever happened," Alayna pulled Shizuko's hair back so she could see her face better. "I could bring you in for arrest, but you'd go free and go back to your business, continuing to use your name as an advantage," Alayna said as she pulled Shizuko closer to her by the hair with one hand, removing the rest of the restraints with the other. "Either way, you'll be in a dangerous situation. So what to do with you?" Alayna asked, holding Shizuko's head bent back and looking eye to eye with her.

For the first time, Shizuko felt fear, not knowing what to do. She had told Alayna her real name, but that had not been enough. Years on the force had made Alayna hard, placing a strong defense up against the rest of the city. "I promise I will not run Ms. Wynter," she bowed to Alayna.

Shenna, fully revealing herself from the character of Shizuko that she had created years earlier looked up, "I've always been in your heart," she said, "Mistress."
Special Thanks:
Jackie Graves of Graves for the gifts of the clothing, idea, and requests for this post.
We <3 You!
OnO Zinner of NeuroLab for the use of his Space Station.
Great work and we look forward to more in the future.
And Cunninham Capalini of Hypnoville Aersopace for the gift of several fighters and space station.
While we were mostly done with photography at the time, we are planning something special for our next Graves photo shoot, and your work will be our set.
To all three creators for their generous support of TRF in making posts like this one possible. We love to do stuff like this when we can, and we wouldn't be able to do this without your help. Thank you!
Hyper Advanced Fighter 3.3 by Cunningham Capalini of Hypnoville Aerospace
Available on the Yeol Sim or on the Marketplace for L$500
Space Station:
Space Station Zero Grav Prefab by OnO Zinner of NeuroLab
Available on the NLab Sim or on the Marketplace for L$3,990
Sonja/Shenna/Shizuko's Clothing:
Outfit: Graves, Devotion for L$490
Shoes: Graves, Alpha Boots in Black for L$390
Ball Gag: Dari's Haus, from my personal collection
Arizona/Alayna's Clothing:
Outfit: Graves, Gravity in Clear for L$690
Shoes: Graves, Vertigo Boots for L$490
Helmet: Graves, G-Helmet for L$360
Concept: Jackie Graves
Story: Arizona Navarathna, Sonja Mistwallow
Modeling: Sonja Mistwallow, Arizona Navarathna
Photography: Philip Belgold
Photo Editing: Arizona Navarathna, Philip Belgold
Editing: Arizona Navarathna
HTML Editing: Medavac Renfold
Video: Sonja Mistwallow, Arizona Navarathna, Medavac Renfold
Editing: Arizona Navarathna
HTML Editing: Medavac Renfold
Video: Sonja Mistwallow, Arizona Navarathna, Medavac Renfold
Communications and Locations: Sonja Mistwallow
Props: Sonja Mistwallow
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