Then one day, the girl bound in pink came across a book, tossed aside in the fire of an old monastery. From that day forth, the kingdom began to whither, as she was faced with her growing obsession with her own vanity. The queen in pink searched the land for anything to make her more beautiful. After awhile, she heard of a tale of a great mirror, hidden deep in the chambers of her step sister. Needing to find the last bit of beauty she could, she snuck into her sister's bedchambers, but alas, the mirror did nothing. No reflection. It sat there, broken, the little shards of glass glistening in the light.

"You lie," said the woman in pink. "You cannot be the only one who can see. I am pure of heart for my beauty runs deep."
"Does it my little sister?" the queen said as she escorted the one in pink to the bench. "Sit and I will show you." The queen in black sat down in front of the mirror, and after a swirling of light, her reflection showed back, even more beautiful than the queen herself.
In a fit of disgust, the vane queen in pink sulked down into the bench, her sister came over to sit with her in consolation. "Fear not though," said the queen in black lace, "for I assure you, together we will be even more beautiful."

The queen in black, knowing that she had to console her hand. "Come rest with me for the night."

"I cannot rest knowing what I have done to our kingdom," she said and she began to cry. As the queen in pink cried, her sister took her by the hand to the bed.

"Rest and I will tell you how together the land will be pure again," the queen in lace said. The queen in pink took her sister's guiding hand, and together laid on the bed. "Rest with me, and rest your weary heart here. For together, we will rule a great land, even better than our father's kingdom."
The queen in pink, no longer cursed by her vanity, cried on her sister's shoulder. "You are forgiven," said the queen in lace, "And tomorrow we begin our reign together anew."

Wanton Lingerie (Sonja, red hair):
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Great work! Variety of style options included
Cons: None
Outfit: Voluptia, Wanton Lingerie for L$199
Shoes: Graves, Alpha Boots in Black for L$390
Hair: Truth, Janice in Reds for L$250
Skin: Al Vulo, Matilde in Cocoa for L$800
Rose: random freebie
Precious Mesh Corset in Pink (Arizona, black hair):
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Perfect fit, great look, classic timeless style. Voluptia corsets are probably the best mesh corset in SL.
Cons: None
Outfit: Volutpia, Precious Mesh Corset in Pink for L$299
Shoes: SimILar, Venezia in Black for L$750
Hair: Truth, Francesca in Blacks for L$250
Skin: Chaisuki, Vienna 14 Nougat for L$1389
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