So, when the news broke earlier today that Legacies 1891would be closing its sims in Second Life by July 22nd, many people were left feeling without a home, the gang at The Redneck Fashionista included. Though we have our own homestead that we operate out of, and still keep around a skybox for emergency needs (or if we just need to be inworld but need to be left alone), we've all been spending countless free hours at this RP. Whether it be sitting in the Ten Bells listening to a fiddler, working through a scene at the hospital, or sneaking into various London landmarks to take pictures for this blog, we can all admit that we've spent a fair amount of time over on those sims in our day. Mom's even run an affiliate shop for The Vamporium, the store associated with the Legacies RPS which will also be closing this upcoming week.
At least there is still a glimmer of hope. While the sims are being closed in SL, the groups and webpages associated with the Legacies RPS system will continue. The Torn Oaks sim, which is situated next to the Legacies sims, will continue as well. The creator, Trijin, is planning on staying in SL, and even better, he is moving the entire world created by us all to an MMO platform. Hopefully soon. We're going through LaRPS withdrawal already.
Photographs courtesy of Trijin and Belgold.
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