The fae Merenwen stood in the library, late one night after heeding the warning of her teacher, dust-covered tomes stacked in front of her. She had spent many long hours in the library of the Crossroads, digging through stacks of books that revealed all but the faintest hint of any of the details of her own history, her lineage, her family. The hours grew longer, and the usual hustle and bustle of the town square died down; the sound of music from the tavern stopped and all grew still when a golden glint caught her eye. She took the book, and out fell a map.

"What's this? Something shiny?" she asked as she picked up the map. "Or maybe it will lead to something shiny. Hmmm... shinies!" she said, discarding the book in favor of the map. As she picked it up, she saw an old parchment with faded ink. On the back of a folded corner was an ouroboros and inscription: "That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die." Merenwen turned the map over and over in her hand, even shaking it a little bit. "But where are the shinies?" she asked, pushing it aside.

Merenwen followed the path for over an hour, in and out of shapeless foundations and scattered trees, finding never a carving or inscription to tell of the mysterious graveyard on the map. She wandered until the silhouettes of trees turned to a golden-edged light, when shortly before daybreak she found the small graveyard with a grave marked with the identical ouroboros and warning. "I must be here," she said, "But where are the shinies? I was promised shinies!" Disappointed, she sat down on the gravestone and looked back at the map. "Where are the shinies?!" she asked again, pouting, when an inscription on the map caught her eye. "Hmmm, maybe if I read this..." her voice trailed off as strings of Latin sprung from her lips. Though the rite was forbidden and the grave profane, she had to know where her shinies were.

"I am the Aberrant," a body-less voice rumbled through Merenwen's body.
"Do you have the shinies?" she squeaked.
"No I do not have the shinies," it rumbled as the tentacles picked Merenwen up.
"Oh, hey, whoah, wait a minute, hey that tickles," the little fae said as the tentacles pulled her to kneel in front of the gravestone. "Somehow I don't think this is how to get to the shinies!" she squeaked.

"Yes... shinies..." the voice groaned as it continued to push and pull at the fae's body, never sating its own desire for flesh.
"Shinies," Merenwen smiled as she gave in to the rhythm of the Aberrent wrapped around her body, forgetting all the cares of her world and the search for her family. For now, the Aberrent was her new family, the ritual having been completed, the shinies now belonging in Merenwen's mind.
Special thanks to Mr. Grey Mars of Archaic and Ms. Mysteria Callisto of Post Mortem Designs
Concept and Story: Arizona Navarathna
Photography: Philip Belgold
Model: Sonja Mistwallow
Archaic by Grey Mars
Inworld or Marketplace for
L$600, 24 Prims
No Copy/No Mod/YesTrans
Post Mortem Designs, Mysteria Callisto
Inworld or Marketplace for
L$400, 34 Prims
Copy/Mod/No Trans
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