Thank you Ms. Ronstadt! We'll hopefully get more done soon. Until then, we're grabbing the shih-chi's, a couple of books, and heading to the cooling shelter.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
...has our CPU's sweating, which means we're behind in our work. So, instead of posting the reviews we've been trying to work on, with our CPU temperature gauges beeping warnings at us, we're instead posting a nice song about how we feel right now.
Thank you Ms. Ronstadt! We'll hopefully get more done soon. Until then, we're grabbing the shih-chi's, a couple of books, and heading to the cooling shelter.
Thank you Ms. Ronstadt! We'll hopefully get more done soon. Until then, we're grabbing the shih-chi's, a couple of books, and heading to the cooling shelter.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Special Friday Review... GRAVES
Gravity to the Dictatress of Alpha Omega Epsilon Colony, Gravity to the Dictatress... Dictatress Justice, do you read?

Dictatress, perhaps it is a trap?
I fall prey to no trap...
...but the city... used to be so beautiful...
...children playing and singing in the streets...
...Hive told me so.
Dictatress do you copy? Dictatress do you copy? Are you still there Dictatress? Justice? Are you stil there?
Justice has always been here.
Dictatress Gravity giving report to the Corporation. We continue to lose our stronghold on the city. The rogue agents Viper, Hive, and Justice have been seen committing acts of violence against the state. New trees have been planted, land terraformed, and there are reports of decreased air and water pollution. I regret to inform the board that our mission has failed. Life is viable again in the city. Life is viable again in the city.
Special thanks to Jackie Graves
Without your tremendous contributions to the leather, latex, and fetish scene, SL would be at a loss.
You've inspired many of us in SL to go above and beyond the standard,
and create a new SL for everyone.
GRAVES can be found on the Oxymoron Sim or on the Marketplace.
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Jackie Graves equals Perfection
Cons: None
Syrelis (red hair, updo): Graves G190 Viper with Graves G101 Alpha Boots
Sonja (red hair, long): Graves G361 Hive with Graves G101 Alpha Boots
Arizona (white hair, short): Graves G386 Justice with Graves G388 Vertigo Boots
Correction and Update...
Hello, a quick update for you all, as we basque in the glory of our current heatwave. 105 degrees Fahrenheit and still rising. First the update - because of our heat, we've been taking it a little slower today in preparing our special Friday post.
The second is a brief correction to last night's special late-night review on [Anara] Customeyes. Though we first stated that the item was mesh, which it is, it is designed in a way that people who cannot normally see mesh can see these eyes. We don't know Anara Aeon's secret, but we do know that the people we showed today were just as enthusiastic about her eyes as we were, especially as those people were on older viewers/computers that could not normally render mesh. We have a couple of theories, one of which involves moonshine and unicorns, but we won't say what they are so as to keep Ms. Aeon's secret a secret for now.
The second is a brief correction to last night's special late-night review on [Anara] Customeyes. Though we first stated that the item was mesh, which it is, it is designed in a way that people who cannot normally see mesh can see these eyes. We don't know Anara Aeon's secret, but we do know that the people we showed today were just as enthusiastic about her eyes as we were, especially as those people were on older viewers/computers that could not normally render mesh. We have a couple of theories, one of which involves moonshine and unicorns, but we won't say what they are so as to keep Ms. Aeon's secret a secret for now.
Late Night Special Review: [Anara] Customeyes - Best Eye in SL
So the team and I are sitting around, sipping some sweet tea here in the smoldering East Coast (87 degrees Fahrenheit at 12:30 at night in our house!), when Santa's Little Helper made a special delivery to my avatar in SL. A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a curious item on the Marketplace. I loved it but held off on getting it, as at the time I was doing a lot of modeling at a store where we were not allowed to wear mesh items. I still loved the item, wanted to get it regardless, so I saved it. I showed it to Mom and she loved it as well, but because she was modeling with me at the same time, she held off on getting them.
The item in question? What made me start up the big hot computer when we're already sweltering in this heat (and because Mom was using hers to edit tomorrow's special post - we can't wait to show you!!!)?
This... by far the best eye in Second Life at this time. It is a completely customizable mesh eye that is mod/copy that comes with a very low-lag hud, which when minimized ran for me at 64 kb, with each eye also running 64 kb. In comparison to a standard AO running at 880 kb or more, this will not cause you lag at all. The HUD itself is no mod/copy/no trans, but you really don't need to edit the HUD at all. We flipped when we first found them on the Marketplace, which will only set you back for L$350, and I was absolutely ecstatic when the creator messaged me and gave me a pair for review here on the blog.
Anara Aeon, creator of the Customeyes, also has a free demo available on the marketplace in case you decide you want to try them first. Ms. Aeon has also made a variety of other phenomenal things over the years. Mom has been a fan of the winter skybox during this heatwave; I think she has her avatar sitting in it right now in a bikini while she's helping edit photos. We've been following Ms. Aeon for awhile now. In addition to these eyes, she makes textured eyes (which are just as beautiful), hair (which I haven't tried yet), a few skyboxes which have been featured items in the past on the Marketplace, and has made one of the most detailed snowflake texture packs in SL that we've seen.
If you want eyes that you can change on the fly to match any outfit, setting, or mood, these are the eyes you want. You will want to wear the included alpha layer to prevent a texture flicker with your own system eye though. And if you are generally hesitant of mesh but are still able to see it: try the free demo as soon as you can!
Now, a few last words and back to my steamy romance novel...
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Best eye in SL
Cons: Mesh if you're a mesh-o-phobe
The item in question? What made me start up the big hot computer when we're already sweltering in this heat (and because Mom was using hers to edit tomorrow's special post - we can't wait to show you!!!)?
This... by far the best eye in Second Life at this time. It is a completely customizable mesh eye that is mod/copy that comes with a very low-lag hud, which when minimized ran for me at 64 kb, with each eye also running 64 kb. In comparison to a standard AO running at 880 kb or more, this will not cause you lag at all. The HUD itself is no mod/copy/no trans, but you really don't need to edit the HUD at all. We flipped when we first found them on the Marketplace, which will only set you back for L$350, and I was absolutely ecstatic when the creator messaged me and gave me a pair for review here on the blog.

If you want eyes that you can change on the fly to match any outfit, setting, or mood, these are the eyes you want. You will want to wear the included alpha layer to prevent a texture flicker with your own system eye though. And if you are generally hesitant of mesh but are still able to see it: try the free demo as soon as you can!
Now, a few last words and back to my steamy romance novel...
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Best eye in SL
Cons: Mesh if you're a mesh-o-phobe
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Review: Beauty Code, Upcoming Skin and Jewelry

With that in mind, we bring you the items given to us in our bloggers pack by CrusHer Mills of BeautyCode. BeautyCode is a smaller boutique focusing more on low-price, high-desing earrings. They recently seem to have expanded into making skins and full avatars as well; they are available in world and on the marketplace. We were given a skin and a set of jewelry to review. As we did not want to alter the look of the skin, we only cropped the photos and did not alter the tone, color, or blending.

I liked the jewelry better than the skin. The earrings and necklace aren't bad, however they could have done somewhat better with the textures. If you have any cleavage, I found it was hard to adjust the necklace though without it sinking in and some work to resize it.
Overall, the skin and jewelry aren't bad, good for someone on a budget, but I think there could have been more attention paid to the finer detail work, and especially the textures in general. For the jewelry, the textures just need to be refined if the chain were to stay like it is currently built. The skin needs to have softer airbrushing and softening in general with some gaussian blur.
Our photographer did however beg and plead to do one photo with his basic Photoshopping work:
Overall: 6/10
Pros: Works well for a fashionista on a budget, and if you prefer lighter skins; pretty design on the jewelry
Cons: Need more detail and softening on the skin, better attention to jewelry design and possibly a resize script.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Review: Voluptia, Coerce Mesh Corset and Flaunt Lingerie

The only thing we found is that you really do need to use the included alpha layer. Like all corsets, this one will bring in your waist a bit, and works against some of the natural measurements induced by Linden Labs.

Overall: 10/10
Pros: Great recreations of timeless designs, great design, great attention paid to details
Cons: None
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Review: Danika New Release, Kawai!
Dani Knelstrom of Danika Designs has just released her newest partial-mesh outfit. Based on her popular schoolgirl designs, her new outfit is a cute and naughty little pink schoolgirl uniform. The outfit comes with mesh blazer and skirt in three sizes compatible with standard sizing, sneakers with matching legwarmers, three versions of panties including a dripping aftersex mess, shirt base, bow tie, braw, socks, star-shaped face tattoos, and a matching sex-engine backpack. The outfit comes in both X-rated and G-rated, so if you need a nice schoolgirl outfit that's just a little bit naughty, you can have your calorie-free cake and eat it too. The G-rated version comes with the same items, except the backpack is not scripted and there is only a clean non-naughty version of the panties included. The G-rated version of the outfit will set you back only L$399 while the full naughty X-rated version sells for L$599.
I have always loved Danika's outfits, and especially loved her school girl uniforms. Her line in general is sheer brilliance, and this outfit is another example of her great designs. The mesh looks right, it's cut right, and it's fit to the standard sizing so that most people are able to wear it with only some very minor adjustments. Her textures look very realistic and the outfit looks great.
The sex-genned backpack is genius and comes with 36 animations, perfect for any role play you may need. The panties as well are a great bonus, and the after-sex mess is just another little touch of perfection. Overall, this is an outfit done right.
The only drawbacks to the outfit at this time are the limitations imposed on mesh still by Linden Labs. Though there is standard sizing now, you may still have to tweak your shape a bit to fit; Mom found that she had to bring down her muscle size and bust size to make it fit right. Though my own alpha layer fit correctly, Mom found that the alpha was still visible slightly on her legs near the hem. A little bit of adjusting later and she had it fixed. Most of Danika's outfits are designed to fit a teen shape, and her mesh comes standard for both the Danika Teen shapes and Standard Sizing which is becoming more popular across the grid.
I'd also like to add that the customer service at Danika is top notch. There have been a few times where I've had to contact them, and every time not only have they been very helpful, but it has always been a great experience and a great outcome. I cannot rate their customer service high enough; I'd give that alone higher than a 10/10 if possible. Exceptional design, exceptional service, all around great environment on the sim and great experience.
More on Danika's outfits later this week with our up and coming "Mesh vs. Mesh" special, due out this Friday.
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Sheer brilliance, love the genned backpack, mesh and textures look great.
Cons: May need to tweak shape for standard sizing and alpha; more based on limitations of Linden Labs at this point.
I have always loved Danika's outfits, and especially loved her school girl uniforms. Her line in general is sheer brilliance, and this outfit is another example of her great designs. The mesh looks right, it's cut right, and it's fit to the standard sizing so that most people are able to wear it with only some very minor adjustments. Her textures look very realistic and the outfit looks great.
The sex-genned backpack is genius and comes with 36 animations, perfect for any role play you may need. The panties as well are a great bonus, and the after-sex mess is just another little touch of perfection. Overall, this is an outfit done right.

More on Danika's outfits later this week with our up and coming "Mesh vs. Mesh" special, due out this Friday.
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Sheer brilliance, love the genned backpack, mesh and textures look great.
Cons: May need to tweak shape for standard sizing and alpha; more based on limitations of Linden Labs at this point.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Review: Indyra Originals, Marquise II

This outfit is great and very striking for any dramatic event you may wish to attend. The pants that came with happen to be a particular favorite; they are long and drape well at the bottom. The larger flared pant leg creates a delicate touch giving it a more formal feel. In fact you could probably wear this for a very striking stylish evening wear. The top is a quilted fabric that looks great as well, the texture is very detailed and contrasts the pants enough that you could easily wear the two together without the other components.
The thing that really caught my attention with this outfit is the ruffles. One of the earliest things that caught my eye in SL was the use of ruffles in everything, thanks to the overly gratuitous application of flexi-prims in freebie outfits. Ruffles are generally something I avoid, and I beg and plead to my readers that you generally avoid them as well if at all possible. I am sure we all remember rezzing in on our first day in SL and immediately discovering freebies filled with gawdy poorly textured ruffles that we wouldn't dare wear in our real lives let alone Second Life but we all did because... guess what... it was free and looked better than what we rezzed in with. This is what I call the SL Ruffle Theory.
I could write an entire essay about the difference between a newbie at a freebie store and some of these top designers, who were all there as newbies as well (I do say "newbie" and not "noobie," which has a big difference). However, and this is a big however, Ms. Seigo has cracked the SL Ruffle Theory.

Now to be forewarned - the ruffles come in two separate pieces; one piece with the ruffles and another shoulder-guard type piece that serves as the collar as well. Depending on your AO the black collar can move above the ruffles. Mom there found that if she attached the collar at the same point as the ruffles she was able to mostly remedy this problem as the two pieces then moved together with the poses and animations. She also found the corset to be a little big, but that means that it will fit almost anyone that tries it on; her avatar is sized on the slimmer side for business, design, and fashion.
Overall: 10/10
Pros: The right way to do ruffles, striking design
Cons: Corset was a little large at first, collar needed to be attached to same point as ruffles with "Add" and moved to place.
Outfit: Indyra Originals, Marquise II in Rosedust for L$425
Shoes: Similar Italian Footwear, Venezia in Black for L$750
Choker: Chop Zuey, Death in Mantua for L$599
Earrings: Indyra Originals, Briolette Earrings in Noir for L$150
Hair: Truth Hair, Kalia Blacks, for L$250
Skin: Chaisuki, Vienna 14 in Nougat for L$1389
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Review: Zaara, Best of Denim

Zaara is a store that has been around SL for awhile now and specializes in Indian and ethnic couture. It also happens to be a store that Mom will make the weekly pilgrimage to for fashion, which is why a post on anything from here was inevitable. I'll admit, at first, I did not care for the store, but that is more because the ethnic style was not my favorite. Mom though is a bit of a hippie at heart and quickly introduced me to a few items that made me easily change my opinion. Zaara Kohime is the lead designer, and has a blog as well as a store on the Marketplace. She recently held a bit of a clearance sale to make room for her new up and coming mesh creations.

Zaara jeans have the perfect cut; the waist height is always just right, especially when accompanied by anything from there store (we each chose a tank top to pair it with). There are also six different denim styles available to choose from. For our pictures we chose the Classic Jean in Black for L$275 and the Distressed Jean in Moss for L$300. If you want something for a warmer occasion, the jeans also come in a capri style, two styles of shorts, and a mini skirt as well. Mom happens to own a pair from each of them and has made them her go-to item for anything denim.

There are a great variety of colors and styles as well, with the jeans, capris, and knee shorts all coming with a variety of cuff options. The black jeans in our photo feature the wide cut while the distressed moss jeans feature the straight cut. A single item costs anywhere between L$225 to L$300 while a fat pack of all eight colors ranges from L$1,250 to L$2,000. Well worth the Linden for something of this quality.
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Great fit, many options, great detail, versatile, easy to mod if needed, look great with anything
Cons: None
Jeans: Zaara, Classic Jean in Black for L$275 and Distressed Jean in Moss for L$300
Shirt: Zaara, Indian summer tank in Gold-Black for L$120 and Bandhni Hanky top in Beige for L$95
Shoes: Similar Italian Footwear, Barletta in Brown for L$750
Skin: Chaisuki, Vienna 18 Nougat for L$1389 and Al Vulo, Matilde Cocoa for L$800
Hair: Truth Hair, Kalia Blacks for L$250 and Janice Reds for L$250
Sale: LoveCats Designs, L$100 Random Outfit Sale

After hunting through the store, I can personally attest that the outfits that are up for sale are some of Ms. Thei's newer and more popular outfits. Mom was frantically hunting for something to buy only to discover that many of what she already owned was up for sale (she's still looking for an outfit to buy). While I cannot tell you the exact outfits here, doing so would ruin the fun, I can at least guarantee that everything we've found so far is well worth the L$100 and would all get good reviews on this blog. And because we have to keep in the fashion of this blog...
Overall: 10/10
Pros: It's a sale! L$500 outfits for L$100 each!!!
Cons: We still haven't found all the items yet.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Review: Flawless Skins & Shapes, New Collection

Overall, the shapes are pretty well done. We like the face, which is almost the same between the four, but there are some subtle variations. While there are many nice shapes in SL, there are also plenty that look too compressed or to swollen in the face. These shapes manage to avoid that problem, giving a happy medium between a French runway look and an American farmgirl look. The eyes are particularly detailed and subtle, they really catch your attention when you look at them.
Overall the price is not bad for the shapes. The Larissa and Iris shape will retail for L$50 and the Jasmin and Raissa shapes will retail for L$500 for all three shapes. Many of the better shape stores in SL retail for much higher than that, and this allows anyone on a budget to purchase a well-designed shape.

The other thing that I do not like, and this could be just for the press releases sent to blogger, is that it came as No Mod. While you're able to copy this shape, which is nice for some people for saving to their outfits, you are unable to mod it at all. There have been plenty of times where I've had to, in a pinch, alter my shape for clothing to fit better. If the final release is in fact no mod, then you will not be able to do that.
Swim Suit: Sas-It-Up, Animalistic Print Strapless Thong Bikini Fat Pack for L$349
(note: I'm wearing the tiger print)
Earrings: Chop Zuey, Soul Infusion Earrings in Diamond for L$199
Shoes: PixelFashion, Eve Temptations in Black for L$550
Skin: Al Vulo, Matilda Cocoa for L$800
Hair: Truth Hair, Janice Reds for L$250
Overall: 8/10
Pros: Well done, pretty well proportioned
Cons: Shorten the hips and torso a little, shape released to the bloggers is no-mod
Review: Indyra Originals, Vida in Cantelope

This is a gorgeous little dress, available in several colors from the store. It fits well, and my aunt found that she did not have to adjust it. The coloring fit her avatar's own coloring well and she just looked gorgeous in it. There was a slight variation in the lace of the dress which gave a nice subtle detail to it as well. Everything about it was easy to photograph, easy to look at, and looked great in any setting we tried it in.

There are two small flaws we have found with this dress, but both are debatable. The first is that I prefer to have some sort of shaddowing to the edges of the cloth. In real life, no matter the lighting, you will have some shadowing on the skin from clothing. This shadowing is missing here. It's not noticable unless you look, and you don't miss it that much on someone with a tan, but on a lighter skinned avatar it could be noticed. It's also not noticeable unless you look, but the edges of the texture do not line up at the seams on the sides. Though it also is not needed, the available clothing templates all take into consideration where and how to line up textures. Plus, some of the newer graphics programs now allow you to look at the clothing in three dimensions, which allow for this problem to be fixed.

Stylings used:
Dress: Indyra Originals, Vida in Cantelope for L$325
Jewelry: Chop Zuey, Soul's Horizon Set for L$0 if a group member
(note: group membership for Chop Zuey is L$350, but comes with minimum three monthly free gifts)
Hair: Truth Hair, Jolie Reds for L$250
Shoes: Similar Italian Footwear, Grosseto in White Leather for L$795
(note: free demo available in store)
Skin: Al Zulo, Vero in Cocoa for L$800
Makeup: NOYA
Overall: 8/10
Pros: Great design, looked great, very versatile
Cons: Needs some slight adjustments with the skirt and edges of the textures.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Special Review: T&C Designs, LoveCats Designs, Indyra Originals
Today we at The Redneck Fashionista have decided to forgo our usual posts to bring you something a little extra special instead. Today we have decided that we are going to split from our usual fashion feed and instead feature an item from an old-school SL designer who has been on the grid for almost five years. We have the privilege of presenting to you all a very special item by the designer Iga Clawtooth of T&C Designs. In addition to that, we have three minute-reviews of outfits by LoveCat Thei of LoveCats Designs and one by Indyra Seigo of Indyra Originals that we will be featuring more in-depth tomorrow.
Mr. Clawtooth is a well-known builder and creator within the SL Community and has been here many years. He has been a part of the SL community for almost five years and in the past has had many of his building creations featured by the Lindens themselves, including one in a CSI-SL feature a few years ago. When he was still taking commissions, he was considered by many the go-to builder. He is part of a real-life company represented in SL that features a team of scripters, designers, and graphic artists, bringing you a wide array of products. He is the creator of the Auction Master Pro with his colleagues TranquilMoonDancer Timeless and Jer Straaf, which set the industry standard for SL auctions at the height of the breedables era. In addition, T&C Designs is known across the grid for its high level of personal customer support and content creation in general. Mr. Clawtooth is above the curve here, and represents the highest degree of professionalism we have seen in SL.
What is not really known to many is that Mr. Clawtooth has a bit of an affiity for motorcycles, and he has created one a few months back that should be considered the industry standard. My parents both are a bit of gearheads, enjoying cars and bikes with the best of them and try to collect them when they can in SL. They were introduced to this bike by a very proud Mr. Clawtooth himself shortly before its release.
The bike itself is the Bullet Lowrider Bike, which is currently only available in-world at the store for L$500. While most bikes come with a men's and women's sizes, the Bullet Lowrider fits one size. It is however copyable and able to be locked and unlocked so that you and your friends can ride together.
The bike is perfection at its finest and is by far its price, the best buy you will find for any motorcycle within SL. In my opinion, this is the best bike on the grid for looks, style, ride, function, and class A personal customer support. You will not find better.
Mr. Clawtooth's bikes all come with the same standard features - what sets this one above the rest is its design, which is based on prototypes from the RL European market. Advertised features are as follows:
"Mouse Wheel Controlled Camera View
(zoom in/out with angle control).
Drive / Fly Mode.
Burnout and Rev function.
Skids when turning or breaking at high speed.
Manual / Automatic 5 Gears with adjustable speed (Menu Driven).
Adjustable poses for driver (3) and 1 for passenger (Menu Driven).
Authentic Horn Sound.
Working Speedometer on the HUD.
"Menu controlled Color changer.
Menu controlled Texture changer.
Parking Mode for the bike with auto switch of the driver pose.
Lights on / off.
Built in Break light.
Exhaust on / off (particle smoke).
Locked / Unlocked mode making it possible for friends or the public to ride your bike.
Group Access mode for members of your group wearing the tag.
Easy to use HUD for quick controls.
Very easy to drive and control."
While the bike is listed as no-mod, we did notice that the items that needed to be modded were all adjustable via a menu, easily accessible from clicking on the bike. You really don't need the HUD to operate it at all, but you can always get a copy of it from the menu if needed The bike drives with the same key commands as walking, so you do not need to learn a lot to operate it successfully. Even though the default paint job is silver, there are 20 custom hand-painted paint options created by Mr. Clawtooth himself, two of which are shown in this article. Two people are also able to ride on the bike at the same time. The driver can click on the seat to "Ride out," and your passenger on the back fender.
While the scripts are from KCP, the current leader in motorcycle scripts in SL, these somehow are the smoothest running scripts of any KCP Scripts. We tested side by side this bike to some of Mr. Clawtooth's older models and bikes form other stores that listed the same scripts and found the Bullet Lowrider to run more smoothly and efficiently than other bikes, even those made by Mr. Clawtooth as well. Mr. Clawtooth works with a few scripters with his real life company, NCraft Republic, so things may have been optimized a bit there. This bike also has some great smooth engine sounds that other bikes in SL are lacking.
The design of every aspect of this bike is perfection. It features an elegant yet powerful stretched out body, wheels seen in prototypes of European and racing motorcycles only, intricate detail of side exhaust, front brake caliper, and down to the details in the various paint jobs included in the bike. Detail has been shown to every part of this bike, down to the licesne plate, speedometer, and even the tank is authentic. The bike is not lacking in detail either, nor is any other bike offered by Mr. Clawtooth. It has very finely detailed timing, scripting, workmanship, and sounds and just looks and works great. It also features working lights, horn, and a flight mode. We have talked to many in SL who have purchased his bikes, and everyone agrees that his are by far the best.
T&C Designs is also the only company in SL that we have found that will build child-sized avatar bikes that the child can sit on and it looks correct. While other companies do have some bikes for child-sized avatars, the poses in Mr. Clawtooth's child-sized bikes are anatomically correct. Most of his bikes have child versions available for L$300, however, as this is his newest, it is not available at this time. Speaking of animations, all of the adult animations are spot on and have been created by Mr. Clawtooth himself.
One other detail that Mr. Clawtooth has paid attention to, and this is where his dedication to the craft becomes apparent, is that, unlike many of his SL design counterparts, Mr. Clawtooth seeks real life licensing of the textures, sculpts, and other aspects of his designs that he creates in SL. While we've seen a lot of motorcycle designers pick and choose pieces, often crossing styles, Mr. Clawtooth will seek permission from the real world companies to recreate the product in SL. Mr. Clawtooth is the head of a group in SL called "PBACAT" which specializes in the prevention of copyright and intellectual property theft.
Iga Clawtooth is a sheer genius when it comes to what he builds in general and has set the industry standard in motorcycles in SL with this bike. The only person, in my opinion that could do better, is Mr. Clawtooth himself. Mr. Clawtooth has as well set the industry standard in anything he has made for SL at that time.
Overall: 10/10, we'd give higher if we could
Pros: Perfection
Cons: None
Styling Guides:
Med: LoveCats Designs, Gunshy for Men
This is an excellent outfit for men. While it is
hard to find good clothes for men, everything from LoveCats is great. We love the tattoos, shirt, jeans, and boots. All around a great outfit and perfect for any men's wardrobe. (note: sunglasses separate)
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Great outfit
Cons: None
Arizona: LoveCats Designs, Snakebite for Women
This by far another great outfit with a versatile jacket that comes in two sizes that are easy to fit.
We had to adjust her avatar size a little, but the avatar looked even better after she did. While the boots are styled for a neko, we prefer the boots from gunshy with the outfit. This outfit can also work well for the neko readers out there. This outfit also pairs well with components of other outfits. (note: sunglasses separate)
Overall: 9/10
Pros: Versatile, jacket looks great, fits easily
Cons: Boots are neko
Sonja: LoveCats Designs, Wanted for Women
Thhis outfit gives you the rocker chic look. Available for men and women it features a denim shirt, jeans, boots, gloves, and a belt complete with accessories such as drum sticks and a keychain. Looks good, feels good, and is versatile. An all around favorite.
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Great outfit, versatile, great details
Cons: None
Syr (left): Indyra Originals, Vida in Cantelope - special to come tomorrow
Special Thanks to: Iga Clawtooth and TranquilMoonDancer Timeless of T&C Design
Special Thanks to: LoveCat Thei of LoveCats Design
Written by: Sonja Mistwallow and Arizona Navarathna
Edited by: Arizona Navarathna
Photography by: Philip Belgold
Models: Sonja Mistwallow, Arizona Navarathna, Syrelis, Medavac Renfold
Mr. Clawtooth is a well-known builder and creator within the SL Community and has been here many years. He has been a part of the SL community for almost five years and in the past has had many of his building creations featured by the Lindens themselves, including one in a CSI-SL feature a few years ago. When he was still taking commissions, he was considered by many the go-to builder. He is part of a real-life company represented in SL that features a team of scripters, designers, and graphic artists, bringing you a wide array of products. He is the creator of the Auction Master Pro with his colleagues TranquilMoonDancer Timeless and Jer Straaf, which set the industry standard for SL auctions at the height of the breedables era. In addition, T&C Designs is known across the grid for its high level of personal customer support and content creation in general. Mr. Clawtooth is above the curve here, and represents the highest degree of professionalism we have seen in SL.
What is not really known to many is that Mr. Clawtooth has a bit of an affiity for motorcycles, and he has created one a few months back that should be considered the industry standard. My parents both are a bit of gearheads, enjoying cars and bikes with the best of them and try to collect them when they can in SL. They were introduced to this bike by a very proud Mr. Clawtooth himself shortly before its release.
The bike itself is the Bullet Lowrider Bike, which is currently only available in-world at the store for L$500. While most bikes come with a men's and women's sizes, the Bullet Lowrider fits one size. It is however copyable and able to be locked and unlocked so that you and your friends can ride together.
The bike is perfection at its finest and is by far its price, the best buy you will find for any motorcycle within SL. In my opinion, this is the best bike on the grid for looks, style, ride, function, and class A personal customer support. You will not find better.

"Mouse Wheel Controlled Camera View
(zoom in/out with angle control).
Drive / Fly Mode.
Burnout and Rev function.
Skids when turning or breaking at high speed.
Manual / Automatic 5 Gears with adjustable speed (Menu Driven).
Adjustable poses for driver (3) and 1 for passenger (Menu Driven).
Authentic Horn Sound.
Working Speedometer on the HUD.

Menu controlled Texture changer.
Parking Mode for the bike with auto switch of the driver pose.
Lights on / off.
Built in Break light.
Exhaust on / off (particle smoke).
Locked / Unlocked mode making it possible for friends or the public to ride your bike.
Group Access mode for members of your group wearing the tag.
Easy to use HUD for quick controls.
Very easy to drive and control."

While the scripts are from KCP, the current leader in motorcycle scripts in SL, these somehow are the smoothest running scripts of any KCP Scripts. We tested side by side this bike to some of Mr. Clawtooth's older models and bikes form other stores that listed the same scripts and found the Bullet Lowrider to run more smoothly and efficiently than other bikes, even those made by Mr. Clawtooth as well. Mr. Clawtooth works with a few scripters with his real life company, NCraft Republic, so things may have been optimized a bit there. This bike also has some great smooth engine sounds that other bikes in SL are lacking.

T&C Designs is also the only company in SL that we have found that will build child-sized avatar bikes that the child can sit on and it looks correct. While other companies do have some bikes for child-sized avatars, the poses in Mr. Clawtooth's child-sized bikes are anatomically correct. Most of his bikes have child versions available for L$300, however, as this is his newest, it is not available at this time. Speaking of animations, all of the adult animations are spot on and have been created by Mr. Clawtooth himself.
One other detail that Mr. Clawtooth has paid attention to, and this is where his dedication to the craft becomes apparent, is that, unlike many of his SL design counterparts, Mr. Clawtooth seeks real life licensing of the textures, sculpts, and other aspects of his designs that he creates in SL. While we've seen a lot of motorcycle designers pick and choose pieces, often crossing styles, Mr. Clawtooth will seek permission from the real world companies to recreate the product in SL. Mr. Clawtooth is the head of a group in SL called "PBACAT" which specializes in the prevention of copyright and intellectual property theft.
Iga Clawtooth is a sheer genius when it comes to what he builds in general and has set the industry standard in motorcycles in SL with this bike. The only person, in my opinion that could do better, is Mr. Clawtooth himself. Mr. Clawtooth has as well set the industry standard in anything he has made for SL at that time.
Overall: 10/10, we'd give higher if we could
Pros: Perfection
Cons: None
Styling Guides:

This is an excellent outfit for men. While it is
hard to find good clothes for men, everything from LoveCats is great. We love the tattoos, shirt, jeans, and boots. All around a great outfit and perfect for any men's wardrobe. (note: sunglasses separate)
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Great outfit
Cons: None

This by far another great outfit with a versatile jacket that comes in two sizes that are easy to fit.
We had to adjust her avatar size a little, but the avatar looked even better after she did. While the boots are styled for a neko, we prefer the boots from gunshy with the outfit. This outfit can also work well for the neko readers out there. This outfit also pairs well with components of other outfits. (note: sunglasses separate)
Overall: 9/10
Pros: Versatile, jacket looks great, fits easily
Cons: Boots are neko

Thhis outfit gives you the rocker chic look. Available for men and women it features a denim shirt, jeans, boots, gloves, and a belt complete with accessories such as drum sticks and a keychain. Looks good, feels good, and is versatile. An all around favorite.
Overall: 10/10
Pros: Great outfit, versatile, great details
Cons: None
Syr (left): Indyra Originals, Vida in Cantelope - special to come tomorrow
Special Thanks to: Iga Clawtooth and TranquilMoonDancer Timeless of T&C Design
Special Thanks to: LoveCat Thei of LoveCats Design
Written by: Sonja Mistwallow and Arizona Navarathna
Edited by: Arizona Navarathna
Photography by: Philip Belgold
Models: Sonja Mistwallow, Arizona Navarathna, Syrelis, Medavac Renfold
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